
Posts Tagged ‘wine detox’

The sudden death of a British singer Amy Winehouse opened once again a public  discussion about alcohol and other dependence-causing substances and their connection to fame and performance.

We are often talking about addictions with a hint of self-doubt. It is perhaps a sign of one of our human weaknesses – inability to control oneself totally. We would have to be machines or perhaps robots after all if we controlled every aspect of our behaviour. Humanity is about volition – we have the ability to think and consequently to decide on what to do.

Nature has it that excesses usually do not work for us. Too much food makes us tired, sick and fat. Too much success can lead to overconfidence and a sharp fall down. Too much … On the other side of the scale is too little of anything leading often to other undesirable results. Too little or no food leads to malnutrition and in extreme cases (as in many parts of draught-stricken Africa) to death. Too little or zero success to underestimating oneself, depression and even suicide.

But, why I am writing about all that? By looking at the excesses and a total abstinence of some things in our lives we can observe that our bodies and minds crave for balance. The so called equilibrium finds its foundation in many sciences from psychological well-being, physical health to gravitation.

The same is true about our addictions. We should not fully succumb to them. Buddhists teach us to give up almost everything so we cannot become addicted on anything. Interestingly though, many monks I have met on my trips to Asia were smoking cigarettes like a chimney. Therefore, it seems that letting ourselves to be little addicted on something might be better for us rather than abstaining from everything we are even a little bit curious about.

Sigmund Freud, the Austrian psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis, concluded from his experience in therapy with patients that we form psychological defences against anything we do not admit to ourselves. These defences can manifest themselves in other areas than the initial cause.

That happens to many alcoholics, drug addicts, “sexoholics” , shopaholics and other overtly dependent people. Through their addiction they usually compensate something else missing or dissatisfying in their life. It can be a form of denial.

Therefore, we should be careful and perhaps even wary when we realise we do something too much and rather think what might have lead us to it – finding the original source of our excess behaviour – and trying to solve it. That could perhaps help Amy Winehouse.

Amy Winehouse - picture taken by Rama and published on Wikipedia

It is the same with wine. Interestingly you do not find as many drunk people in France where wine is consumed by many people on a daily basis as you find in Britain where binge drinking is a worrying issue for health department.

Finding a balance or simply your measure is one of the keys to longevity. The European Commission has listed a number of community health indicators which statistically prolong or shorten our lives. Many of these living very long show signs of the right balance in their lives.

In reflection to the previous paragraphs I would like to add that my web site WINEBEING is not meant to promote excessive drinking. I want to share a more thoughtful message through it based on responsible drinking. By winebeing I mean enjoying wine in a harmony with our being. Just savour it, have a glass to relax you when you are tensed and perhaps be inspired by the open and friendly community of winemakers.

On the other hand, we are not perfect and from time to time we consume more than we intended. Then, there is a time for a detox. If you need help with it, you can get inspired by my week-long wine detox I went through after a wild night in Monaco. I have tackled many challenges which arose during my week without wine.



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Japanese again – this time at Ginger in Zurich, where they have such an amazing ginger tea, that makes wonders with a seaweed salad or a new style sashimi. Warming effect of ginger works well with acidic and savoury sauces.

Later we went to the bar at Dolder Grand. It is a chic place in the hotel on the top of the hill offering a wide selection of cognac and cigars. Though I was savouring their crunchy cashew nuts with a chamomile tea – an interesting tea and snack pairing.

The day after

I made it!!! Let’s celebrate. The parent in my head rings though – ok, have fun, but be careful, you cannot go from zero to normal! It is like starting to exercise after an injury. Step by step. That is why I have decided to have a glass or two (instead two or three) during the whole night. Going to a Spanish tapas place is ideal for it. You do not think much about getting a bottle when the small and varied dishes pair well with different wines. So I usually order a wine by the glass.

With my first glass of wine after a week

Pimientos, gambas and vino blanco

What I learned during the one week of the wine detox?

During the whole week I missed some adventure in my life. Even though I was travelling, which is adventurous in itself, I felt that something just does not fit. I have realised that wine adds a lot of spice into my life. It sparks up my curiosity, eagerness to learn and makes conversations overall more relaxed and in-depth. Yes, being with wine or as I call it winebeing makes my life a la dolce vita.

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Open or not to open?

My partner shouts at me: ‘Is there something better about this Tokay than are the others?’ Lifting the golden-lush bottle of a deliciously sweet Hungarian wine we got as a gift from the hotel in front of my eyes.

I replied nervously: ‘Yes, there probably is since it is from a producer I have never tried before!’ I waited if he suggests to open it and try it. To my relief, he decided to be supportive and without saying anything put it back into the chilling bucket. We got this bottle Hetszolo Tokaji Aszu from the hotel La Rèserve owned by Michel Reybier who bought Hetszolo in 2009 and added it to his Bordeaux winery collection.

Mr. Reybier also owns the famous Château Cos d’Estournel producing a Saint-Estèphe Grand Cru Classé and the Médoc AOC Château Marbuzet and Goulée vineyards.

All the hotel’s restaurants have an impressive selection of various vintages from the Château Cos d’Estournel making it surely a highlight of the wine list.

Room service dinner

We have just ordered a room service dinner at the hotel accompanied by mint tea – just for change. It was not because of that plump golden bottle of Tokaji wine on our table, but since I have so much work to finish tonight, I will be sitting with my laptop until very late writing and thinking about wine. Surprisingly though as my head is preoccupied with wine intellectually, I do not have the need to savour it right now.

It seems that analytical thinking prevents my thoughts to stray into the seductive wine realm.

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Strolling all afternoon around Geneva on a hot day makes you think about ice cream and water and not about alcohol. Unless you decide to sit in one of the lake’s restaurants or cafès where almost everyone savours a glass or a bottle of something worth celebrating a sunny day in the city. My lunch was a freshly baked roll from a bakery so I was not exposed to any serious temptation.

Teppanyaki dinner at a Japanese restaurant

I love my meaty slices of sashimi with a glass of an Alsatian Gewurtztraminer, Riesling or even an oaky and rich Chardonnay from California. Teppanyaki is a different story though. The dishes are prepared on an iron flat pan (for an illustration look at this funky YouTube video I found) and range from vegetables, eggs to meats like beef or seafood like prawns or squids. Usually, rich savoury sauces used in these dishes make them so intense  and flavour-rich that tea rather than wine is a better option in terms of a liquid accompaniment.

I had a delicious green brown rice tea called Genmaicha (Wikipedia explains it well), which is sometimes called ‘Popcorn Tea’ (perhaps because it is poping while the rice is roasted). Its smoky, roasted and grassy aroma plays down the intense flavours of the teppanyaki sauces. I am starting to ponder about giving up alcohol for good. I do not want to predict the future, rather ask me once I will have a glass of wine with food again in three days – would I prefer tea to wine then?

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